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Why Choose eBLCU.com

Authority of International

Chinese Language Education

BLCU is a world-renowned university with its specialization in international Chinese language education, and is the pioneer, founder and leader in the discipline of international Chinese language education.

Specialized team of

Chinese Teachers

BLCU has the largest, most specialized, and strongest team of teachers for international Chinese language education in China and is the first university to cultivate Chinese teachers to teach Chinese to the speakers of other languages.

Variety of Courses and

Learning Materials

The Beijing Language and Culture University Press publishes the most diverse, widely used and highly rated international Chinese language education materials. More than 1,000 books and 300 digital products are published annually.

Great Achievements on

Online Chinese Teaching

Taking eBLCU.com as its main teaching platform, BLCU has been carrying out cross-border distance international Chinese language education for more than 20 years and has trained tens of thousands of international students.
Online Business Chinese
Flipped Class, Small group, Real business situations, From beginner to advanced learners
General Graded Chinese(HSK1-5)
HSK 1-5, Small group, Learn with peers, Weekly live classes
Chinese for Children and Youth (1-on-1)
Bilingual children, 1-on-1, interactive live class, teachers from BLCU
Chinese for International Trade
Topics in international trade, short-term training, vocabulary of international trade
Tailor-made Chinese 1 on 1
1-on-1,Personalized learning plan, Highly interactive
General Graded Chinese - Level 11(HSK6)
Live class, Small group, Highly interactive, For intermediate learners, Debate, Tradition
Contemporary China and Chinese Culture
Recorded, Taught in English, Real Contemporary China, social and professional interaction
Eleven Lectures on Chinese Culture - Single Lecture
English captions, Food, Clothing, Philosophy, Aesthetics, Literature, Architecture, Tourism
Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy
Chinese characters, Calligraphy, Chinese culture, live class, in-person, step-by-step
Introduction to TCFL
Online, Highly interactive, Professor Liu Xun, Fundamental course of TCFL, Theory & Practice
Chinese Grammar and Its Teaching Methodology
Online, Highly interactive, Fundamental course of TCFL, Knowledge and methodology, Theory & Practice
Chinese Classroom Activity Design
Online, Highly interactive, Fundamental course of TCFL, Teaching Methodology, Theory & Practice
Get a Tailor-Made Learning Solution

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Student Testimonials
Kwanklawfrom Thailand
This course has helped me a lot. After studying 2 Levels, my Chinese speaking skills have great improvement. Now I can talk to my Chinese customers fluently with the sentences I have learned. The teachers are very patient and help me revise my homework every week.
Business Chinese
Stephenfrom United States of America
The good classroom atmosphere and abundant interactive exercises have improved our learning effect, and teachers can make targeted explanations and exercises according to the specific learning situation of each of us. My colleagues obviously feel that my spoken Chinese has made great progress.
General Chinese
Mo Hufrom United Kingdom
The curriculum content is practical. From basic theory to classroom teaching methods, it is a good entry process for beginners like me, and a process of checking and improving for workers who are engaged in Chinese international education.
International Chinese Teacher Training Program
Read more testimonials
eBLCU News
A New Version of "International Chinese Teacher Training" Website by Beijing Language and Culture University Launches
Recently, a new version of the "International Chinese Language Teacher Training" website (https://teacher.eblcu.com) has been launched.
Notice of Training Course for CTCSOL Certificate Test Preparation
Congratulations to the Members of ICAI Hong Kong Chapter on Successfully Completing eBLCU.com Level 1 Chinese Language Course
All You Want to Know About the 19th World Culture Festival of Beijing Language and Culture University
The Online Chinese Course for Myanmar Teenagers Opens
Free Open Class for General Chinese: Ordering Food in Chinese
General News
First World Conference of Sinologists held in Beijing
Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter On July 3 to the third Dialogue on Exchanges and Mutual Learning among Civilizations. This also marks the successful convening of the first World Conference of Sinologists.
Bridging in Chinese Language to Deepen Communication arcoss civilizations
The 13th International Conference on the Modernization of Chinese Language Education Was Successfully Held Online
BLCU gives Chinese Pocket Books to Winter Olympics Delegations as a Gift
The Standard for Chinese Proficiency in International Chinese Language Education issued
Belt and Road Academy established to promote cultural exchanges
Partner Institutions


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